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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 3, 2023 6:25am-6:36am MSK

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only professionals are given the opportunity to improve the world, make it of high quality and provide the very thing that we all dream of - to live in a comfortable environment. we are at the international architectural and construction exhibition budaxpo. our company presented the latest projects, one of these projects is a multifunctional complex on pobediteley avenue, this is the building, and the construction of seven floors is already being completed, and we , uh, tried to present the architectural solution as diverse as possible, i like the project manager managed to offer the team a second important component, this is a very... detailed, effective
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, landscaping, where the culmination will be the author's sculptural work of maxim petrul, all this together we understand as - the environment that architects create and it is intended for such permanent or temporary stay of residents or guests of our capital. being the head of the team of authors in the development of an architectural object, i believe that we have achieved the task set, this has formed an interesting architectural solution , diverse, giving the opportunity to get different emotions while being on the territory , walking along the building, and i believe that the team has achieved our overall goal, but i, as a leader, am pleased that i accompanied this success and we are close to that the object will be completed - in the idea as it was... of course, this is pride in the city,
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because our city, and it is beautiful, it is diverse, so we, as architects , would like to add something from our time, from development of architecture from the world trends, and preserving this beautiful architectural environment of ours, which means combining different styles, there are many such... bright buildings near the object, this is the castle, the atlant plant, and the exhibition pavilion, all of this, of course, is iconic and interesting , is in different styles, and our task was to combine this general urban planning, aesthetic situation, and as a result, the proposed solution achieved this calm, this architecture, and we kind of believe that this is the solution, it was conceived... initially, it
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ended up solving this task. an architecturally efficient environment is a composite concept. the environment can be natural, urban or local. this is a person’s apartment, office, where he is at work, or an open space, street, er, park, square. these spaces, open public spaces, are the most valuable for us, architects and for people, because their activity, relaxation, physical education, communication with other people takes place there, my favorite object is the one which we design is always a favorite object, all objects that have passed through our hands are loved by us, we confirm all the decisions that were put into them that they were made. and approaches one
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place or another. all the objects that we create are like children, we even have a separate phase when we monitor the constructed and published objects for operation. we really treat them later with the same reverence as we do about design, seeing them already ready and consumed in the environment, in society, wanting them to always be like that, which means neat and healthy, and here it is important to accompany the object in terms of reconstruction, modernization to those who created them, because the idea will always be supported by the authors, yes it is required, which means the object there should be modified , advertising added, or some new modernization carried out and of course, it is better to do this by those who created this object, this...
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confirms the attitude that it was born remains under the control of the authors, architects. an architectural solution born in the company is processed by a large number of engineers
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and designers, but the main place is given to the design by the architect. the chief architect of the projects, alexey tekhanchuk , is leading the team of architects and will he tell you which areas are being developed by the project architects? ar architects give birth to an idea, and they coordinate with the chief architect of the city of minsk, and they approve it in the examination, they hand over the object for operation, and they carry out architectural supervision. at all stages of design, the architect controls the design process, both construction, engineering, and, uh, the image itself directly, so that the final image corresponds to the original idea. we are located in the design department of our company, where you can see the creation of
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an animated video. we offer it to the client to confirm all created architectural and planning solutions and understand how the object will look in the environment after completion. construction, i was born in the city of zhodino, but lived most of the time in nesvezh, my father always held leadership positions, first at the belarusian auto giant belas, then he was sent to work as a manager - to the nespezh region, and we spent most of our time there. now she heads the belarusian golf association, my mother worked in the field of pharmaceuticals and trade , but devoted most of her time to her husband and our children. we moved to
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nesves, and i gradually began, while studying at school, to get to know one of the most beautiful cities, to get acquainted with... unique objects, this is the farny church, the castle, radivilov, it turned out that these are unique objects for belarus and even for the environment, with which there was an understanding of architecture, and then i used this experience in my further practice, after which i entered the faculty of architecture of the belarusian national technical university, taking into account the knowledge that i acquired on my own... i could easily navigate the style of historical architecture while being abroad in different countries, and this served me very well baggage, for the development of oneself as an architect, for understanding architecture, for
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comparing what our belarus is like in comparison with another world, which was also discovering at that time, the decision to enroll in the faculty of architecture i had in the tenth grade and it was just a desire to become a student of the faculty of architecture, but here i already felt that this concept of architecture, the formation of space, this is what interests me, of course, what accompanied me here in my studies school, this finding is new, this is the proximity of the objects with which... we constantly met almost daily, moreover, they were made by the hand of the famous italian architect jaan maria bernadone, the orphan revealed, invited him to work in nesves, this is the information i was already inspired by the fact that this kind of
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architectural activity has an interesting and beautiful sound, every day i was convinced that i had made the right decision and was moving in this direction without a doubt. my wife natalia also met in nesvezh; a rehabilitation doctor works at the second clinical hospital in minsk. we have a large family of six, four children, maxim, the eldest son, a student at the bntu faculty of civil engineering, entered university with interest, and is now interested in artificial intelligence, and is very in demand, and while talking with him, we talked about what we need to find in ourselves, here are our... advantages, with our capabilities and foresee -

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